Last night I attended the Christmas Music program at my church. It was incredible...the adult and youth choirs sounded like angels....the orchestra was magical.....everything was just perfect....and then....they showed a short film clip of a man on the street with a microphone asking random people, "What is the meaning of Christmas?".....I broke my heart that so many people completely left CHRIST out of are some of the answers they gave: gifts
getting together with family and getting gifts
lots of gifts
seeing family i don't see too much
don't believe in's a manmade holiday, all commercial
there were more, but these are the ones that stuck with me....isn't that sort of lets us in on the state of our world....the name of the program last night was "IMAGINE".... here are some quotes from the handout regarding the program...
**IMAGINE...A Master Plan...A Prophet...A Message...."For Unto Us"
**IMAGINE...A census...a Inn....a Star....a Birth....A BABY!
**IMAGINE...Brilliant Worship!
**IMAGINE...A GOD who would journey through time and space to bring you home! A GOD who calls today....speaking....whispering....COME AND WORSHIP!
I pray that the real reason for the season, JESUS CHRIST, is center of your CHRISTMAS!
HE is, was and always will be the ultimte gift.....share HIM!!!!
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