Saturday, August 21, 2010

School Days....

Here's another interesting fact about getting older....the anticipation of the kids going back to school is gone....the excitement of a new routine, new clothes, new friends, new deadlines....all vanished.  HOWEVER, the anticipation of FOOTBALL is still here and I'm still excited...two weeks from today...I do love me some football.


Jane Anne said...

Funny. I am not looking forward to the kids starting school. I loved the relaxed summer. But, I am looking forward to football!

Honey said...

of course you are an SEC girl all the way!!! can you believe school starts so early oldest son is a teacher in Georgia and they've been in school for three weeks! way to early in my opinion...I really didn't look forward to it starting to much eaither, but I do miss some of the anticipation...pb

Anonymous said...

good many times can I spell too wrong....I need start proof reading my comments! pb
